Science LinX, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen
Science LinX, the science centre of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen (UG), reaches out and engages pupils, teachers, civil society and the general public with arts & science’ exhibits, workshops, school visits (science truck) and science festivals. By offering scientists a platform, Science LinX wants to increase interest in science and technology at our university. Using a tailor-made approach to each target group, the department facilitates a continuous learning path that links science, education, work and citizenship. With the Erasmus+ project SUSTAIN, Science LinX aims to broaden and connect its regional and international networks.
Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Valencia, Spain)
Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Valencia, Spain) is a big state advanced vocational center with a tradition in Erasmus Projects. It is a Spanish National reference centre.
Leeuwarder Lyceum,
part of OSG Piter Jelles
The Leeuwarder Lyceum (part of OSG Piter Jelles) is a school for HAVO and VWO education. We also offer Technasium, VWO Excellence and ConnectIT education. “Follow your talent” is our motto. For example, two of our students are looking into using drones to chase geese away. They are building their own drone.
That is why we are thankful and glad to be part of the SUSTAIN Project. We are thrilled to participate and are looking forward to enrich our education.
Polibienestar research institute,
University of Valencia
POLIBIENESTAR is a Public Research Institute belonging to the University of Valencia (Spain). It is specialized in research, innovation and social technology, technical advice and training in the field of public policies. Its final mission is the improvement of the Welfare and Quality of Life of society.
POLIBIENESTAR is composed by an interdisciplinary team with 94 researchers with national and European experience and experts in politic science, sociology, psychology, social work, economy, enterprise, law and medicine from eight Spanish Universities and three international.
On the one hand, POLIBIENESTAR participates and coordinated regional, national and European projects and, on the other hand, collaborates with public and private organisations developing prospective and strategic analysis and implementing designs to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of society.
Province of Fryslân
The Province of Fryslân is one of twelve Dutch provinces, located in the Northern Netherlands and is a largely rural and agricultural province with a few bigger towns and cities.
Fryslân supports many initiatives carried out for the preservation of nature and to ensure a sustainable landscape. The aim of the provincial education, science, and environmental program (incl. European Capital of Culture 2018) is aimed at strengthening connections with European communities and urban-rural links, with a main goal to engage/involve the Frisian inhabitants, in particular young people, concerning a sustainable future.
The Heritage Private School
The Heritage Private School was founded in 1987, it is set in landscaped grounds and presents an impressive sight in the hills. The over 1100 students from 52 countries, make the School truly international. The School seeks to nurture its students the desire to learn and the ability to study in an atmosphere that is friendly where a positive student-teacher relationship is built. The School remains committed to sustainable development and has received the Eco-Schools Green Flag award. The School’s environmental aims and its view to promote EU projects has made the SUSTAIN project fascinating.
Rsg de Borgen
Rsg de Borgen is a regional school community in Leek, near Groningen in the Netherlands. We have 5 different school buildings and we are located at the Lindenborg. We offer different levels of the Dutch educational system, so we have a wide variety of pupils. We think it is important for pupils to maximize their potential and also to come in contact with many different subjects. That is why we offer Greek, Latin and Chinese, but also drama classes and other cultural subjects. At the Lindenborg pupils can choose for Technasium, which is project based education that focuses on science technologies.
Institut Educació Secundària
As a Secondary School we are interested in environmental issues, therefore we have teachers of our school who are specialized in environmental management. We are also in close contact with the managing entitles of the Albufera Natural Park and in 2015 we received an EU grant for the project “You are not alone. Let’s save our world, let’s make it a greener place.”
The school is very much interested in providing secondary school students hands-on experience with science to stimulate critical thinking, raising their interest in science. We previously held mathematical Olympics.
University of Nicosia
The University of Nicosia (UNIC, for short) is the largest university in Cyprus, with more than 11,000 students from over 70 countries across the globe, coming together in an innovative and transformative learning space.
Located in Nicosia, the country’s capital, and with presence in 18 other cities worldwide, we are driven by our pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning, innovation, research, technology, and a continually evolving academic environment.
We empower our students and instill in them the confidence to make an impact in the world.
FORUM Private Greek School
Established in 2002 FORUM Private School has set a good reputation during its successful 16 years in operation.
Through our innovative ‘Intelligence Development Programme’, designed to help every student achieve their full potential, this programme aims in developing students ‘language and logical-mathematical reasoning’ through coordinated and targeted courses, improving academic results and ensuring the effectiveness of teaching.
As FORUM is located in the suburbs of Nicosia, it aims to educate the future European citizens in order to adopt great interest for the preservation of our island’s biodiversity and ecosystem equilibrium. Thus SUSTAIN provides the medium to succeed our goal and gives us the opportunity to evolve our STEM activities.
Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a public Higher Education Institution actively involved in international cooperation and mobility projects. UPV hosts over 30,000 students and employs over 4,000 people (teaching, research, and administrative staff). It is the first technological university in Spain according to international rankings (e.g. Shanghai Ranking of World Universities) and has a broad offer of undergraduate, master’s and PhD programmes.
Utopika is an informal collective research network at the UPV created in 2009. It began as a science shop connected to other initiatives from the North of Europe as the DTU at Copenhagen. Over the last 9 years more than 15 projects have been carried out with NGOs, civil associations or other social initiatives. Students, researchers and professors from different schools, such as Agronomy, Industry, Architecture, Design, Fine Arts or Computing Science joined together every month to discuss and share their research projects. Moreover, concepts as Democratization of Knowledge, Citizen Science, Civic Hacker and Popular Education are part of the current interests and activities of Utopika.
The European Science Engagement
Association (EUSEA)
The European Science Engagement Association, EUSEA, is an international community of public engagement professionals, science festival and science event organizers. The Association comprises about 100 members, including universities, science festival organisations, science centres and museums, municipalities and NGO’s in almost all European countries. The network has developed from a knowledge-sharing platform for European science festivals to a collaborative community of public engagement professionals, developing and testing new formats of science communication, building relationships with researchers, policy-makers and stakeholders from scientific institutions, HEIs, municipalities and regions. EUSEA members can provide experience and knowledge to conduct complex public engagement and science communication strategies addressing a wide range of target groups.